Chandrakant Jatav, a student of Government Higher Secondary School, Phulwara, Hindaun City, has topped in class 12th.
Student Chandrakant Jatav was warmly welcomed by the people of Phulwara village.
Narendra Singh Jatav, District Vice President of Scheduled Caste Morcha of Bharatiya Janata Party Karauli visited Chandrakant Jatav’s house and welcomed him by wearing safa and garland and fed sweets to all the villagers.
Chandrakant Jatav told that his elder brother teacher has been a source of inspiration.
Thanks to him, he has topped in 12th.
Let us tell you that Chandrakant Jatav was married with his elder brother.
His parents and grandparents died in childhood
BJP leader Narendra Singh Jatav, who reached Chandrakant Jatav’s house, said that if Chandrakant needs anything, then we will fulfill his need.
He also said that like Chandrakant Jatav, every child of Jatav society should progress, illuminate the name of the society and we will fulfill their need.